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The Perfect Plan (for an economy that has changed).
The Income for Life Model's 7-Segment Hybrid Strategy delivers the risk mitigation that retirees crave. But there is so much more. It is proven to help keep your clients invested through all market conditions.
Wins 100% Wallet Share
Balances Safe and At-Risk Assets
Always a Safe Monthly Paycheck
Longevity Protection
Downside Protection/Upside Potential
Award-Winning Software
Industry-Leading Marketing
"Simply the best strategy for millions of Constrained Investors. It powers The Income for Life Model."
"Learn why the unmatched benefits of the 7-Segment Hybrid Strategy make it the "perfect" retirement income investing strategy for Constrained Investors. You'll understand why it wins 100% wallet share virtually 100% of the time. And, why annuities are a 'must' in funding the strategy."
Focused on Protection First
Guaranteed Monthly Income
Promotes Consistent Investing
Downside Protection
Transparent and Understandable
Wins 100% Wallet Share
The Income for Life Model® simplifies retirement income. It’s transparent, understandable, and builds clients’ confidence. It enables you to attract, consolidate and manage more retirement assets.
ROI-Reliability of Income Profiler
(build a better income plan)
Quantifies client's sensitivity to investment volatility.
Determines client's need for stable, lifetime income.
Assesses client's need for liquidity in the strategy.
Determines the importance of a legacy fund.
We enable you to better assess a client's needs and preferences.
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